11 November 2011

Conquer Etiquette

This can also be called “Pride and Honor in war”!
So I’ll give some tips here, I feel are required if you have “Pride and Honor!”


Firstly, I think it is good to have a decent Profile Photo and Signature on your wall, 

I would say the top picture is a lot more honorable than the bottom one!

High Rankers 

It is honorable to have respect toward players Higher ranked than yourself! If they talk to you in the Game chat, talk back to them with respect. If you play in a team game with new team mates, let the highest ranker in your team make the first suggestion, after he/she made the suggestion then only state your suggestions (if however the player don't say anything in the chat and don't respond to your comment, then state your thoughts to the rest of the team). This also applies to the Form.
To the High rankers, do not be disrespectful to lower ranked players (remember that you also were a lower rank player once)!

Farming or Vultures 

Farming (also sometimes called Vultures) is not very honorable, high ranked players usually do this to get “easy points”. This is a name given to players that join games with players of a much lower rank than themselves (e.i. a Major joining a Cadet). This happens a lot to New Recruits.  This obviously does not apply if you are training the specific player or if the lower rank player joins your game.

Secondly I think it is good not to leave nasty Ratings...! 
This is only my opinion, but I think it’s not honorable to give a Player less than 2 stars...

...like this...

...this is a good rating...!
Now don’t get me wrong, you don’t have to go give a guy that had secret diplomacy, were reckless or rude a five star rating, but don’t go spitting tags at him...! Rather just don’t rate him and if you really want to, foe the guy and forget it...
If someone gives you a bad rating (below 3 stars and nasty tags) don’t go wild and shoot back with a nasty response. Rather PM (private message) the person and straighten it out like gentlemen (or ask for a Rematch)
My aim is to get my whole first page filled with ratings over 4 stars...!
Game Chat
I always like talking to my opponent in the game chat, I also like saying “Gl and Hf mate/everyone” (Good Luck and Have Fun) when the game starts... If the opponent don’t even bother to say u2 (you too), then I give him a “Silent” rating...!
DO NOT have secret diplomacies! But its fine to make “Above the table truces”  but don’t be unfair...
I have a Team on CC called “The A-Team” (see the A-Team members below).
Every time we win a game we say “The Famous Words: I Love It When A Plan Comes Together!”  
The A-Team
We won 14/20 which is 70%
CJ Lues (from South Africa),
Blitzstrahl (from Denmark),
Joemaya (from Kuwait),
Kingen (from Sweden)

The A-Team Signature:

We are a Proud and Honorable Team! 
If you want to challenge us, send one of us a message on CC or leave me a comment here in the Fort. 
Honorable Players I know on CC
Belgian Blue,
Mr. Lee,
Nation Conquerer,
H.D. Keyter,
lt. Futt,
Master Fenrir,
General Roy,
So go Conquer honorably!
The Major

4 November 2011

How to do your first move

(These instruction are for the “Classic Map." Note: the territory names are from another map.)

#1 Click the “Begin Turn” button...
#2 You will see you have 3 or 4 (on the Classic map) "troops" to deploy (the Number is the number of troops you have)...

#3 Decide on what "region" you want to deploy your troop(s) (there is a drop down box with your region names in it)...

 #4 Once you have the region, select how many troops you want to deploy, then click the "Deploy" button...
 *continue step 4 till all your troops has been deployed...

Now comes the fun part! 

#5 Select the region you want to "Attack From" and then the region you want "To Attack"...

*the region with the "Yellow Box" around it, is the one you "attack from" and the one with the "Red Box" around it is the one you "attack to"...

*To "Attack" click the "Assault" button...

DO NOT Click the "Auto Assault" button (if you click this button it automatically keeps assaulting until the region is conquered or if you don’t have any troops left)..!  
“The outcome of combat is determined by comparing the strongest dice of either side. If the assaulting die was higher, then the defending region loses a troop. If the defending die was higher or equal, than the assaulting region loses a troop. This process is repeated once more if other troops remain involved on both sides.”

#6 Once you are done with ALL your attacks, Click the "End Assaults" button...

#7 Now you can "Reinforce" (move your troops around), as long as they are connected (adjacent)...

#8 If that’s all done, you click "End Turn" and receive a "Spoil" (or as in "Risk" a card), you will see the "spoil" under the map in Red, Green or Blue... 

*that ends your turn and its the next players turn...! 

For more detailed instructions Click this link.
Have Fun!
The Major

2 November 2011

What is Conquer Club

"Risk all your troops on a daring land grab. Use diplomacy to coordinate a group assault on the game leader. Feel the thrill of victory as you crush your last opponent!!!"

Do you love the board game “Rick” like I do, but don’t have the time (and players) to sit down and play for a whole day? GOOD NEWS!!! You can now play a similar game online at Conquer Club with thousands of players all over the world!!! You can take your turn in 5 to 10 minutes with your morning cup of coffee or while eating your lunch! A game typically lasts several days, but hardcore risk takers can play multiple games at once and stay up all night strategizing their next move! You can play up to four games at a time FOR FREE! So what are you waiting for Register now!

Conquer Club has got 190+ maps that you can choose form to play!

Fight for the world….

 Bacome the King of the middle ages... or the Queen of the hive...

Become the ruler of empires...

Lead famous battles...

Conquer nations…

 Get points as you Win and work your way up in ranks!

Play honorable because you will be raited at the end of each game!

If you have questions, feel free to leave comment or find me on Conquer Club as CJ Lues!

See you on the Battle Field...!!!